22 April 2006
65. The First Menu
NC/SC 2005 - 30 Septembeer 05 to 2 Octobeer 05
Since I posted the Shooting Star Hash menu for the Black Rock campout (#64), my half-mind decided to post the other menu... from NC/SC ‘05.
Worthless backstory: Creating shooters gets me more excited than a masochist at a sadist convention. So I bugged the shit of Shit Happens during AIH in Toronto until he let me help. My pitch was that I could save him a lot of money by making some of the booze in the Drunken Scientist Lair. After a few calls and e-mails, the menu and the amount were set. 7 stops, with 2 gallons of shooters at each stop.
I ended up using the event as a way to rework a lot of my recipes and add cost sheets so I'd know if home-creation is worth it. The verdict? Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. As an example of “worth it,” Key Lime Pie using homemade Licor 43 costs $18 a gallon. Key Lime Pie using retail Licor 43 costs around $65 a gallon.
I arrived at camp on Friday afternoon with 8 gallons of shooter ingredients, and a couple gallons of stuff from the Drunken Scientist Lair, just in case. I had to scout for Saturday's trail right after I got to camp, so I started furiously prepping for the Shooting Star right when I got back. Once everything was ASSembled in the freezer, all we needed to do was wait and see how things would transpire.
Surly brought two wrestling singlets, and I threw one on right before the hash started. On top of that, I added the newly created Booze Belt, which allows for spontaneous mixing anywhere at camp. (Anyone wearing it looks like a total dork.) Numerous volunteer-bartenders at various stages of undress were working the stops, and the added eye candy was a definite plus. By the time we had circled camp and completed all the stops, some people were quite drunk. Believe it or not. We even added a legitimate extra credit stop by throwing together about a half gallon of Homemade Mudslide. The original extra credit was the Mat Shot, and it tasted perfect, which means it was perfectly nasty.
I think we had some level of leftovers at every stop, and we continued drinking that for the rest of Friday night and into Saturday night. Having bonus booze was almost as cool as the bonus eye candy.
NC/SC 2005
You'll start this trail like you end it: drinking a pie. This orgasmic concockshun made its hash debut at Trifuckta 2003.
1) Chew the crust but don't swallow.
2) Accept the creamy, white liquid.
3) OK, now you can swallow.
4) Throw back your cranium and scream it
like you mean it: KEY LIME PIE!
The main flavors of the original Kamikaze are orange and lime. But you've probably had it a bazillion times. This one stays true to the original, but adds a little sumpin' sumpin'. And it's not watered down with a shitload of ice like at your local dive-bar.
Yeah, baby… this one's packing a flood of flavor. One of your Humble Bartenders started this shooter in a tiny rocks glass, and refused to stop adding liquors and juices until it tasted right. He ended up with a stock pot overflowing with 3 gallons of booze. Call FEMA.
Huh? You haven’t heard of Pimms? Maybe you were born on the wrong side of the pond. It has been around more than 150 years. It was originally served at James Pimm's oyster bar in the financial district of London and has been a British tradition ever since. Lemonade or Champagne are the ever-popular additions.
This version is made with a homemade Kahlua that beat out the real thing in a blind taste test at an Atlanta restaurant. A homemade schnapps with praline, hazelnut and almond fills out the flavor, but it doesn't overwhelm the coffee, chocolate and vanilla flavors that are in the traditional version. So don't worry, OK jerkoff?
The "Buttery" is Butterscotch Schnapps. The "Nipple" is Bailey's. Some Bailey's recipes call for blended raw eggs. Fuck that. So how do you make good Bailey's without them? Spend 9 nights working on it. Mwaaahhh haaa haaa haaaaaaaaaaa.
The 12-step program is for pussies. Here's a 7-step program that's easier to remember and a lot more entertaining.
1) Apple Juice
2) Vodka
3) Cinnamon
4) Whipped Cream
5) Shake your cranium
6) Swallow like a good little Catholic girl
7) Scream like the drunk and happy hasher
you are: APPLE PIE!
[Extra Credit - The Mat Shot]
If you’ve ever stayed at a local bar until closing, you might have run into a bartender who offers the bravest soul the spillage that’s trapped in the mat. Hey, there’s alcohol in it. And there’s always much rejoicing as someone lifts up a glass of this room-temperature mixture and throws it down. With this version, you get something a lot cleaner. It also stays true to any original out there, and is just as “tasty.” Good luck.
Since I posted the Shooting Star Hash menu for the Black Rock campout (#64), my half-mind decided to post the other menu... from NC/SC ‘05.
Worthless backstory: Creating shooters gets me more excited than a masochist at a sadist convention. So I bugged the shit of Shit Happens during AIH in Toronto until he let me help. My pitch was that I could save him a lot of money by making some of the booze in the Drunken Scientist Lair. After a few calls and e-mails, the menu and the amount were set. 7 stops, with 2 gallons of shooters at each stop.
I ended up using the event as a way to rework a lot of my recipes and add cost sheets so I'd know if home-creation is worth it. The verdict? Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. As an example of “worth it,” Key Lime Pie using homemade Licor 43 costs $18 a gallon. Key Lime Pie using retail Licor 43 costs around $65 a gallon.
I arrived at camp on Friday afternoon with 8 gallons of shooter ingredients, and a couple gallons of stuff from the Drunken Scientist Lair, just in case. I had to scout for Saturday's trail right after I got to camp, so I started furiously prepping for the Shooting Star right when I got back. Once everything was ASSembled in the freezer, all we needed to do was wait and see how things would transpire.
Surly brought two wrestling singlets, and I threw one on right before the hash started. On top of that, I added the newly created Booze Belt, which allows for spontaneous mixing anywhere at camp. (Anyone wearing it looks like a total dork.) Numerous volunteer-bartenders at various stages of undress were working the stops, and the added eye candy was a definite plus. By the time we had circled camp and completed all the stops, some people were quite drunk. Believe it or not. We even added a legitimate extra credit stop by throwing together about a half gallon of Homemade Mudslide. The original extra credit was the Mat Shot, and it tasted perfect, which means it was perfectly nasty.
I think we had some level of leftovers at every stop, and we continued drinking that for the rest of Friday night and into Saturday night. Having bonus booze was almost as cool as the bonus eye candy.
NC/SC 2005
You'll start this trail like you end it: drinking a pie. This orgasmic concockshun made its hash debut at Trifuckta 2003.
1) Chew the crust but don't swallow.
2) Accept the creamy, white liquid.
3) OK, now you can swallow.
4) Throw back your cranium and scream it
like you mean it: KEY LIME PIE!
The main flavors of the original Kamikaze are orange and lime. But you've probably had it a bazillion times. This one stays true to the original, but adds a little sumpin' sumpin'. And it's not watered down with a shitload of ice like at your local dive-bar.
Yeah, baby… this one's packing a flood of flavor. One of your Humble Bartenders started this shooter in a tiny rocks glass, and refused to stop adding liquors and juices until it tasted right. He ended up with a stock pot overflowing with 3 gallons of booze. Call FEMA.
Huh? You haven’t heard of Pimms? Maybe you were born on the wrong side of the pond. It has been around more than 150 years. It was originally served at James Pimm's oyster bar in the financial district of London and has been a British tradition ever since. Lemonade or Champagne are the ever-popular additions.
This version is made with a homemade Kahlua that beat out the real thing in a blind taste test at an Atlanta restaurant. A homemade schnapps with praline, hazelnut and almond fills out the flavor, but it doesn't overwhelm the coffee, chocolate and vanilla flavors that are in the traditional version. So don't worry, OK jerkoff?
The "Buttery" is Butterscotch Schnapps. The "Nipple" is Bailey's. Some Bailey's recipes call for blended raw eggs. Fuck that. So how do you make good Bailey's without them? Spend 9 nights working on it. Mwaaahhh haaa haaa haaaaaaaaaaa.
The 12-step program is for pussies. Here's a 7-step program that's easier to remember and a lot more entertaining.
1) Apple Juice
2) Vodka
3) Cinnamon
4) Whipped Cream
5) Shake your cranium
6) Swallow like a good little Catholic girl
7) Scream like the drunk and happy hasher
you are: APPLE PIE!
[Extra Credit - The Mat Shot]
If you’ve ever stayed at a local bar until closing, you might have run into a bartender who offers the bravest soul the spillage that’s trapped in the mat. Hey, there’s alcohol in it. And there’s always much rejoicing as someone lifts up a glass of this room-temperature mixture and throws it down. With this version, you get something a lot cleaner. It also stays true to any original out there, and is just as “tasty.” Good luck.