05 November 2005


49. Charlotte 600th Trail Stats

Charlotte H3 - 20 May 2005 to 22 May 2005

Number of hares, total: 3
Number of half-minded hares who woke up early to scout Saturday morning: 2
Number of lake police riding official police Sea-Doos who told the hares they couldn’t swim in a public body of water: 1
Number of live hares who got a delicious orange-flour bath as a blessing: 1 (Thanks Lobster)
Number of hounds: A lot. (Thanks y’all)
Number of hares who were sober enough to drive to the beer stop: 1
Number of kegs in the beer truck: 1
Length of lake crossing, in feet: Two hundred SIXTY NINE
Number of miles the hounds ran before the beer stop: 1.57
Number of police who decided not to pull over a truck full of drunk hounds: 2
Total length of trail, in miles: 3.09
Percentage of lake crossings the hares avoided, as a favor to the drunk hounds: 50
Percentage of creeks the hares avoided, as a favor to the drunk hounds: 100
Percentage of swamps the hares avoided, as a favor to the drunk hounds: 100
Percentage of hares who still got bare-ass spanked with a strap due to the shiggy: 33
Percentage of hounds, in circle, who decided it was a shitty trail: 100
Sound volume of circle, in decibels: 110
Percentage of math wizards/number nerds who had a great time at camp: 100

Bonus stat:
Number of Spank Banks the hares made, thanks to skin-tight wrestling singlets and frilly dresses: 2

Love always,

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