26 December 2005


56. They Sucked the Bah-Humbug Out of Me Like I Sucked the Holiday Ale Out of Bottles

Black Sheep H3 - 25 Decembeer 2005

This writeup will match the trail. Short and sweet. What was described as an "intimate" flock of Sheep gathered at North Dekalb Mall for the Christmas Day hash. I'm not too sure humans, sheep and the word "intimate" should be combined, but either way, here's who... um... came.

Hare/Giver of Beer: Santa Bwana
Host/Giver of Food: Chef 4-inch
Sheepers/Shortcutters/Latecummers/Bimbos (in no particular order): Wee Little Bit, Burnt Rubber, 2 Crabs, Martha Screwit, Yassir, Niplets, Head First, Red Breast, Keyless Entry, Just Jay and your humble scribe.

It was cold, but the clouds kept it from getting too bad. And it had stopped raining. Bwana trotted off toward Lawrenceville Highway and laid his first check. We found trail in some shiggy next to a random car dealership, and our brief movement through briars led us to the muddy paths of the local nature preserve. We trotted around a lake to a bamboo forest and all snared Bwana as we was going backwards on trail. He apparently was attempting a back-track and had figured we had gone through the area already. We all pointed and laughed at him, but didn't laugh too hard, since he had footed the entire tab for hash cash. Hey, we might be half-minds, but we know not to bite the hand that feeds us. After a few minutes, we took off after him again and got our feet totally wet for the first time, with the help of a shallow creek. On the other side we noticed old t.p. from our hare's previous jaunt through the area a month earlier. We exited the shiggy at a vacant house (also creatively used a month earlier) and took a short stroll through the neighborhood to the on-in.

As you probably already guessed, the ending was at 4-inch's house, and she definitely earned her Chef's hat. On the table was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and a seasonal salad. All excellent. Liquid? Outside was seasonal varieties of Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada and others.

Entertaining topics of conversation included famous hash traditions, our picks for some of the best trails of the year, as well as the number of hashes that Atlanta had on Christmas Day: The start of Wheelhopper was 7 miles away, and the start of the new Slack Sheep was rumored to be 5 miles away. Yes, Slack Sheep. But even after several people assured me another hash has been created here in Atlanta, I still don't believe it. So if anyone was present at the on-augural of Black Sheep's slower sister-hash, please let me know.

Circle? No ice. No swing low. In fact, circle almost didn’t happen, but Yours Truly refused to shut up until the pack did at least one token song. So guess who got the full-beer down-down? Yup, if he won't shut up, stuff a mug in his mouth.

Special recognition goes to Niplets' out-of-town sister Head First, (HEAD? WHO SAID... yeah yeah yeah) who graced us with her presence while here for a Christmas visit. Also to Chef 4-inch's brother, Just Jay, who amazed us by keeping dogs totally quiet and transfixed for what seemed like an eternity, simply by grabbing his nuts.

Finally, I'm going to shed my typical Bah-Humbug spirit for a moment and thank both Bwana and 4-inch for their generosity and hashpotality on Christmas Day. It is much appreciated.

Please join us in two weeks when something happens involving a trail, toilet paper and a surprising amount of ass hair. And it's been told that members of a new hash will be among us to witness it. Um, I still don't believe it.

Until next time,
May the Hash Get a Piece

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