05 November 2005
12. A Second On-Augural
Tri-Cities H3 - 27 Septembeer 2003
Welcum to the hash trash for the Second On-Augural trail of the Tri Cities Hash House Harriers.
The best way to describe the day will be to run down the incredibly long list of down-downs the group did at circle. Grab your beers and get comfy. Here ‘ya go.
No Start D-erections Posted: Tastes Like Shit. Yeah, it’s true. The Grand Master was the Grand Masterbater the entire week before the hash, and didn’t even bother posting them. After some prodding, he posted d-erections to the house, which was sort of important for the out-of-towners. Yet still nothing for the start. TLS says this will be rectumfied next month.
Out-of-Towners: Red Breast and Lost & Fucked from Atlanta.
The Hounds: Red Breast and L&F.
The Hares: TLS and Pinocchio Twat. Also known as The Founders, the Co-GM’s or the Grand Master and Grand Mattress.
Hares Not Being Home When the Out-of-Towners Arrived: TLS. The Grand Master got to drink for this because he was the one RB and L&F gave their ETA to when they were at the half-way point. After 4 1/2 hours of driving, the road-trippers were VERY thirsty and knocked on the door for a pre-lube. But the hares were out prelaying. So the thirsty out-of-towners drove around until they found a bar. And imagine their luck… they found a brew pub. Beer was consumed. Then more beer was consumed. Then the hares arrived for lunch. And more beer was consumed. It was about this time that the hounds decided they would need to walk trail.
Using the Same Trail in Back-to-Back Hashes: TLS and Pinocchio. You know, this one is actually forgiveable. The trail was excellent. In fact, the hounds suggested the trail be used for a third time if all-new people show up again next month. Hey, a Third On-Augural. Nice. Because the trail might be used for a third shiggy orgasm, description of said trail will be kept to a minimum. Let’s just say there were some features of the trail that the hares had never seen before.
Teaspoon-of-Flour Marks: TLS and Pinocchio. The hounds wanted only TLS to drink for this one, but PT decided to jump in, too. There was a couple of flour marks along the back of a building that looked like they were thown by an ant. The amazing part is, discounting those, and discounting the pieces of toilet paper that all but disintegrated in the rain, the trail was still amazingly easy to follow. Nice work by the hares.
Prelay: TLS and Pinocchio. Prelaying can be a good idea, but you’ll still have to drink for it.
Treasure on Trail: Red Breast and L&F. The curious hounds sniffed out and acquired a couple of amazing and very hash-useful items while on trail. To protect them from any future chastisement from The Man, the description of said items will be withheld. Please track down one of them for the story.
Female hashers: Pinocchio and Red Breast.
FRB’s: Red Breast and L&F.
DFL’s: Red Breast and L&F.
Allowing Everyone to Shower Before Starting Circle: TLS. Somehow, being clean actually makes you thirstier. Also, it was getting cool out so everyone decided to do circle in the apartment. This was a first for some in the group, and highly recommended by all. Oh, and everyone sat down for circle. Well, except for one person who still had too much energy. (See next down-down.)
Taking Over Circle: L&F. It seems commandeering a TCH3 circle can wind up getting you drunk. See remaining down-downs below.
Porn on trail: L&F. TLS came across a video in the creek, so he took it out of the water and laid it on a log. A blue chalk arrow pointed down to it. Leave it to the male hound to find porn. I think it was called Orgy in the Woods. Oh wait, that’s a hash event. Nevermind.
Bleeding on trail: L&F. It will never be known what this fool cut himself on. But just as the hounds were about to acquire their hash-useful items, L&F looked down to see the base of his palm covered in blood. He then bled for a good five minutes. A recent tetanus shot made the concern level hit rock-bottom.
Singing Too Many New Songs: L&F.
Having a TCH3 Shirt Before Any TCH3 Shirts Were Ever Printed: L&F. He took a Memphis, Tennessee shirt and Sharpie’ed this on the back:
Misnamer: L&F. No one can remember the nerd name mentioned. It doesn’t matter, because the only important thing to remember is that the poor bald guy had to drink AGAIN.
Naming the dog: L&F. Pinocchio’s Min Pin used to be called Just Jackie. Well, a name like that isn’t good enough for an animal that loves beer and will get drunk during circle. You heard right. Jackie LOVES beer. And when you weigh less than 15 pounds, it doesn’t take much to get you drunk. This tipsy mutt provided more entertainment than a two-bit ho on the day her rent’s due.
“Here’s to Booze Hound she’s true blue…”
Thanks to the hares/GM’s for the most excellent day. Oh, and if you ever drive on up, make sure to get them to take you to get a 45 minute pizza. It’s worth every minute.
Until next time,
On Out
Welcum to the hash trash for the Second On-Augural trail of the Tri Cities Hash House Harriers.
The best way to describe the day will be to run down the incredibly long list of down-downs the group did at circle. Grab your beers and get comfy. Here ‘ya go.
No Start D-erections Posted: Tastes Like Shit. Yeah, it’s true. The Grand Master was the Grand Masterbater the entire week before the hash, and didn’t even bother posting them. After some prodding, he posted d-erections to the house, which was sort of important for the out-of-towners. Yet still nothing for the start. TLS says this will be rectumfied next month.
Out-of-Towners: Red Breast and Lost & Fucked from Atlanta.
The Hounds: Red Breast and L&F.
The Hares: TLS and Pinocchio Twat. Also known as The Founders, the Co-GM’s or the Grand Master and Grand Mattress.
Hares Not Being Home When the Out-of-Towners Arrived: TLS. The Grand Master got to drink for this because he was the one RB and L&F gave their ETA to when they were at the half-way point. After 4 1/2 hours of driving, the road-trippers were VERY thirsty and knocked on the door for a pre-lube. But the hares were out prelaying. So the thirsty out-of-towners drove around until they found a bar. And imagine their luck… they found a brew pub. Beer was consumed. Then more beer was consumed. Then the hares arrived for lunch. And more beer was consumed. It was about this time that the hounds decided they would need to walk trail.
Using the Same Trail in Back-to-Back Hashes: TLS and Pinocchio. You know, this one is actually forgiveable. The trail was excellent. In fact, the hounds suggested the trail be used for a third time if all-new people show up again next month. Hey, a Third On-Augural. Nice. Because the trail might be used for a third shiggy orgasm, description of said trail will be kept to a minimum. Let’s just say there were some features of the trail that the hares had never seen before.
Teaspoon-of-Flour Marks: TLS and Pinocchio. The hounds wanted only TLS to drink for this one, but PT decided to jump in, too. There was a couple of flour marks along the back of a building that looked like they were thown by an ant. The amazing part is, discounting those, and discounting the pieces of toilet paper that all but disintegrated in the rain, the trail was still amazingly easy to follow. Nice work by the hares.
Prelay: TLS and Pinocchio. Prelaying can be a good idea, but you’ll still have to drink for it.
Treasure on Trail: Red Breast and L&F. The curious hounds sniffed out and acquired a couple of amazing and very hash-useful items while on trail. To protect them from any future chastisement from The Man, the description of said items will be withheld. Please track down one of them for the story.
Female hashers: Pinocchio and Red Breast.
FRB’s: Red Breast and L&F.
DFL’s: Red Breast and L&F.
Allowing Everyone to Shower Before Starting Circle: TLS. Somehow, being clean actually makes you thirstier. Also, it was getting cool out so everyone decided to do circle in the apartment. This was a first for some in the group, and highly recommended by all. Oh, and everyone sat down for circle. Well, except for one person who still had too much energy. (See next down-down.)
Taking Over Circle: L&F. It seems commandeering a TCH3 circle can wind up getting you drunk. See remaining down-downs below.
Porn on trail: L&F. TLS came across a video in the creek, so he took it out of the water and laid it on a log. A blue chalk arrow pointed down to it. Leave it to the male hound to find porn. I think it was called Orgy in the Woods. Oh wait, that’s a hash event. Nevermind.
Bleeding on trail: L&F. It will never be known what this fool cut himself on. But just as the hounds were about to acquire their hash-useful items, L&F looked down to see the base of his palm covered in blood. He then bled for a good five minutes. A recent tetanus shot made the concern level hit rock-bottom.
Singing Too Many New Songs: L&F.
Having a TCH3 Shirt Before Any TCH3 Shirts Were Ever Printed: L&F. He took a Memphis, Tennessee shirt and Sharpie’ed this on the back:
Misnamer: L&F. No one can remember the nerd name mentioned. It doesn’t matter, because the only important thing to remember is that the poor bald guy had to drink AGAIN.
Naming the dog: L&F. Pinocchio’s Min Pin used to be called Just Jackie. Well, a name like that isn’t good enough for an animal that loves beer and will get drunk during circle. You heard right. Jackie LOVES beer. And when you weigh less than 15 pounds, it doesn’t take much to get you drunk. This tipsy mutt provided more entertainment than a two-bit ho on the day her rent’s due.
“Here’s to Booze Hound she’s true blue…”
Thanks to the hares/GM’s for the most excellent day. Oh, and if you ever drive on up, make sure to get them to take you to get a 45 minute pizza. It’s worth every minute.
Until next time,
On Out