05 November 2005


23. Thank-You’s for the Mardi Gras Weekend

Charlotte H3 - 21 Febeerary 2004

OK, I was only at one day of the three-day event, but I still had a blast. Here’s just some of the people who need thank you’s for making it possible.

The Hasher Upstairs for the awesome weather.
The Charlotte Police, for leaving us alone.
Hole, for chauffeuring us to Charlotte in his new truck and letting us eat in it on the way back.
Boob, for ponying-up the cash for the whippets. I’m assuming you got enough money back.
Rip Cord, for pre-naming my next shooter. I can’t do the name justice by typing it. You’ll have to ask her what it is in person, so you can hear it with the correct energetic delivery.
Miss Charlotte, for digging deep enough to go from an alcohol-induced coma to fully-costumed in under an hour.
Red Breast, for constantly watching out for me.
The non-hashers at The Breakfast Club, who got a kick out of our hashing stories.
Spitzer, for giving us a reason to cum up. Happy Birthday.
Frita, for giving us two reasons to cum up: The party and the promotion. Congratulations.
All the local Charlotte hashers, who always make the drive up so worth it.
And of course...
Me, who finally learned my lesson from the Lynchburg Red Dress and NC/SC, this time staying sober enough to remember the entire day. (Mental note: Beer good, hard liquor bad.)

Until next time,

On Out

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