05 November 2005


13. Top 10 Things I Learned: GA/FL

FL/GA 2003 - 10 Octobeer 2003 to 12 Octobeer 2003

10. Champagne mixed with Yucca does wonders for a Sunday morning hangover.
9. Spray painting your dick makes it look pretty, but it makes a fluffer’s job more difficult.
8. If you are having sex in a room and you don’t lock the door, people will find you.
7. Police don’t like guys with green shirts. And they HATE guys who fumble around in a ditch trying to get their pants on.
6. If Skinamax gets a room, people will cum.
5. Face Plant really does a face plant when he passes out.
4. It’s impossible to lie about vomit on your shirt when there’s actually vomit on your shirt.
3. There’s at least one person in America who can masturbate 12 times a day.
2. “Cuddling without commitment” can easily evolve into an all-day public spectacle.
1. It’s OK to sleep with relatives, as long as you both have different grandmothers.

Thanks to everyone for a most excellent weekend.

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