12 February 2006
61. Park Your Ass for a Black Sheep Trash
Black Sheep H3 - 5 Febeerary 2006
From one park to another, this is how we frolicked during Black Sheep’s 404th, also known as the ALS Fundraiser Hash, also known as the Super Bowl Prelube Hash.
The Pre-Game Show: Happy Birthday, Fuck You
Some of us might have been a bit hung over for this trail, since the night before was the Party of the Moment… Dr. Doo Doo’s birthday extravaganza. I will avoid going into any of the gory details of this joyous event, since some of you might be eating while you’re reading this.
First Quarter: The Start
A decent-sized group of people had gathered at the park, which was either Mark Trail or Nathaniel Scott in Decatur. The most energetic living thing at this stage of the game was Martha Screw-it’s Bassett hound, which was loving that everyone was at a much lower elevation dealing with footwear. (Ask her about the doggie-dicks of some of the more rotund males of the breed; it’s priceless.) Bwana and Wee Little Bit were our hares, and were ready at the required time, although we were still without our Slack Sheep hare. Well, Doo Doo pulled up while the other two were getting blessed, clad in jeans and what looked like black dress shoes. Nice. He grabbed some flour and the three took off.
Second Quarter: All Over the Place
We sprinted after the hares in a westerly direction, immediately hitting one of the park’s wooded areas, and then followed Parkland Dr. down to I-20. This part of town is odd. Not only does I-20 cut directly south here, Flat Shoals does some strange meandering thing as well, and actually crosses I-20 twice. So unless you’re really smart (a geography major), or have looked at a map before trail (2 Crabs) then there’s a good chance big landmarks won’t help you figure out which way you’re going. But hey, most of us were following flour anyway, so who cares. And flour led us through what one harriette described as Urban Shiggy. Of course I’ve heard this phrase before, but not on a Black Sheep. I’d have to say that the hares squeezed every bit of shiggy out of this area, because the turns and changes of scenery were coming at a quick clip. Bonus: this kept our brains busy. At one point, we almost did a complete loop in a wooded area, ending where I-20 meets Gresham Road.
Half Time: Our Long Search for Flour
Our little reprieve from exertion came here, at a couple of checks near the overpass. The first check had many of us milling around north of the highway, and the second check had us shuffling around south of the highway, scratching our craniums in confusion. We cavorted around a shopping center for quite a while, talking to the locals and finding a rather disgusting spot in the back alley. Our search extended to nearby streets until we finally found trail much closer to the check, hidden between the tight space of a fence and the sound barrier at the Gresham Road off-ramp. So obvious, yet so crafty.
Third Quarter: Tractors and a Really Bad Stench
The twists and turns of trail slowed here, with a construction area to the west giving us a larger area to play in. From here on out, we pretty much followed the streets and shiggy next to a long creek, first diving in just as it went under I-20. Wow, it was muddy here, and the smell was atrocious. I think what made it worse was that our shoes were still dry up to this point, and we had gotten used to solid ground. A few creek crossings on the other side of the highway cleaned off the mud. One long stretch before the end was an easement of some sort, and during trail trial, a few Sheepers commented on the strange sensation of running on the bazillion tractor tire indentations. We ended at Dekalb Memorial Park, right where I-20 starts to dip south. Sani’s hot soup, birthday cake and a glorious keg were all at the ready.
Fourth Quarter: The Circle
Bwana made it quite clear he was not too thrilled about sitting bare-ass on the ice in the cold weather, so a few hounds decided to stretch out their comments to add to our fearless leader’s misery. Speaking of the low temperature, Pussy Pilot got a shout-out for doing trail with a short-sleeve shirt on.
It’s also worth mentioning the large number of entries in the Things That Made the Pack Groan Department. One was the canoodling pair of Doo Doo and Double Penetration, frolicking on the ground in their birthday orgy. Yay for genitalia. There was also quite a bit of licking of the ice. That always gets a decent reaction. And let’s not forget TLS’s slow striptease down to his panties. Yes, I said panties.
Before our traditional Swing Low, Sani informed us that we had just donated more than 800 dollars to ALS research, and that helped put us over the amount needed to get a hash foot and Studda Bubba’s name on the Muscle Mountain Mania event jersey.
The Post-Game Show: Wee Little Bit’s Casa
An even bigger group turned out to watch the Super Bowl. Some of the more frequently heard comments included “Hey, where were you for trail?” “That ad didn’t make any sense” “I love beer” and “Sex is the best thing ever.” OK, I made up that last one. But it’s true, isn’t it?
On that note,
May the Hash Get a Piece
From one park to another, this is how we frolicked during Black Sheep’s 404th, also known as the ALS Fundraiser Hash, also known as the Super Bowl Prelube Hash.
The Pre-Game Show: Happy Birthday, Fuck You
Some of us might have been a bit hung over for this trail, since the night before was the Party of the Moment… Dr. Doo Doo’s birthday extravaganza. I will avoid going into any of the gory details of this joyous event, since some of you might be eating while you’re reading this.
First Quarter: The Start
A decent-sized group of people had gathered at the park, which was either Mark Trail or Nathaniel Scott in Decatur. The most energetic living thing at this stage of the game was Martha Screw-it’s Bassett hound, which was loving that everyone was at a much lower elevation dealing with footwear. (Ask her about the doggie-dicks of some of the more rotund males of the breed; it’s priceless.) Bwana and Wee Little Bit were our hares, and were ready at the required time, although we were still without our Slack Sheep hare. Well, Doo Doo pulled up while the other two were getting blessed, clad in jeans and what looked like black dress shoes. Nice. He grabbed some flour and the three took off.
Second Quarter: All Over the Place
We sprinted after the hares in a westerly direction, immediately hitting one of the park’s wooded areas, and then followed Parkland Dr. down to I-20. This part of town is odd. Not only does I-20 cut directly south here, Flat Shoals does some strange meandering thing as well, and actually crosses I-20 twice. So unless you’re really smart (a geography major), or have looked at a map before trail (2 Crabs) then there’s a good chance big landmarks won’t help you figure out which way you’re going. But hey, most of us were following flour anyway, so who cares. And flour led us through what one harriette described as Urban Shiggy. Of course I’ve heard this phrase before, but not on a Black Sheep. I’d have to say that the hares squeezed every bit of shiggy out of this area, because the turns and changes of scenery were coming at a quick clip. Bonus: this kept our brains busy. At one point, we almost did a complete loop in a wooded area, ending where I-20 meets Gresham Road.
Half Time: Our Long Search for Flour
Our little reprieve from exertion came here, at a couple of checks near the overpass. The first check had many of us milling around north of the highway, and the second check had us shuffling around south of the highway, scratching our craniums in confusion. We cavorted around a shopping center for quite a while, talking to the locals and finding a rather disgusting spot in the back alley. Our search extended to nearby streets until we finally found trail much closer to the check, hidden between the tight space of a fence and the sound barrier at the Gresham Road off-ramp. So obvious, yet so crafty.
Third Quarter: Tractors and a Really Bad Stench
The twists and turns of trail slowed here, with a construction area to the west giving us a larger area to play in. From here on out, we pretty much followed the streets and shiggy next to a long creek, first diving in just as it went under I-20. Wow, it was muddy here, and the smell was atrocious. I think what made it worse was that our shoes were still dry up to this point, and we had gotten used to solid ground. A few creek crossings on the other side of the highway cleaned off the mud. One long stretch before the end was an easement of some sort, and during trail trial, a few Sheepers commented on the strange sensation of running on the bazillion tractor tire indentations. We ended at Dekalb Memorial Park, right where I-20 starts to dip south. Sani’s hot soup, birthday cake and a glorious keg were all at the ready.
Fourth Quarter: The Circle
Bwana made it quite clear he was not too thrilled about sitting bare-ass on the ice in the cold weather, so a few hounds decided to stretch out their comments to add to our fearless leader’s misery. Speaking of the low temperature, Pussy Pilot got a shout-out for doing trail with a short-sleeve shirt on.
It’s also worth mentioning the large number of entries in the Things That Made the Pack Groan Department. One was the canoodling pair of Doo Doo and Double Penetration, frolicking on the ground in their birthday orgy. Yay for genitalia. There was also quite a bit of licking of the ice. That always gets a decent reaction. And let’s not forget TLS’s slow striptease down to his panties. Yes, I said panties.
Before our traditional Swing Low, Sani informed us that we had just donated more than 800 dollars to ALS research, and that helped put us over the amount needed to get a hash foot and Studda Bubba’s name on the Muscle Mountain Mania event jersey.
The Post-Game Show: Wee Little Bit’s Casa
An even bigger group turned out to watch the Super Bowl. Some of the more frequently heard comments included “Hey, where were you for trail?” “That ad didn’t make any sense” “I love beer” and “Sex is the best thing ever.” OK, I made up that last one. But it’s true, isn’t it?
On that note,
May the Hash Get a Piece